

Prevent Moisture 

In order to prevent moisture in your storage unit, you first have to learn how to detect it. And this is never an easy task. However, moisture is a common occurrence that can be found both indoors and outdoors. The risks of it are that it can damage walls, wooden objects, paper etc. Bear in mind that it only takes an average of 24-48 hours for mildew to develop. Once it develops initially, it immediately begins to produce and spread spores through the air. That leads to mold, which is not something you want in your storage unit.

What are the ways to prevent moisture in your storage unit?

Moisture is easily detectable for the most part, either visually or via scent. However, why wait for it to appear when you can prevent it well before that happens. How is that, you might wonder? Well, here are 5 safe tips that will minimize any potential moisture issues:

#1: Make sure everything is clean and dry before storing it

Food crumbs on your belongings can easily invite rodents into your storage unit. On the other hand, dirt can lead to surface damage. So, in order to prevent this, you have to make sure that all the items you are putting into storage are dry and sparkling clean.

Nothing like damp clothing or upholstery to invite moisture into your storage unit. Not only will your clothes go to waste, but also anything metal or wooden. Metal rusts and wood rots under the influence of moisture. So, unless you pay attention, you might as well say goodbye to all your belongings in storage.

#2: Prevent moisture in your storage unit with the use of desiccants

Desiccants are a great way of defending against moisture. They are that small bag of crystals that you usually find in new shoe boxes. They absorb moisture, hence making them so practical. So, plant enough of them around your storage unit and you should be all set.

Take caution, however, since desiccants do have an expiration date as well. So, if you are looking to store for long periods of time, leave a reminder for yourself to replace them from time to time. But, for starters, the packing lesson to be taken from this is to pack any damp belongings with desiccators.

#3: Make sure to use the right boxes for packing

The types of boxes you use to pack belongings for storage can make all the difference as well. In fact, it can make all the difference. For example, if you plan to store away clothes, your best bet would be to use airtight plastic boxes. This way, you are sure to prevent moisture from getting inside (or out for that matter). On the other hand, storing book and fine art demands the use of boxes with air-circulation options.

So, before you go ahead and pack all your belongings for storage, it might be a good idea to consult with professional moving / packing companies for guidance. Professionals usually have the best approach to help prevent moisture in your storage unit.

#4: Consider air circulation in your storage unit

A proper flow of air within a storage unit is a very effective solution for moisture-prevention. Hence, you need to make sure to do the following:

  • Don’t stack up furniture against the walls
  • Leave space between the boxes
  • Put all boxes on wooden pallets, especially if you have a cement floor.

All these steps serve to ensure constant circulation of air and to encourage proper condensation.

#5: Make your own dehumidifier

A little home-made improvisation is always useful. So, when you want to prevent moisture in your storage unit, what works better than a humidifier? And the best part – you don’t even have to buy one. You can build your own and it’s really simple.

Charcoal can act as a natural dehumidifier.

All you have to do is take a bowl of dry charcoal briquettes and put it into a bucket. And if you don’t have a bucket, you can simply put containers of baking soda in the corners of your storage unit. Bear in mind that these DIY humidifiers need to be changed every six months or so.